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How To Get Involved
Social Media

Don't forget to Like us on Facebook! Connect to our Facebook page via our website, where you just scroll to the bottom of each page and you can be directed right to it! You can also Follow us on Twitter @staydesignated!

Community Service Opportunities

On the second Saturday of every month, Stay Designated, Inc hosts a Community Service and Volunteer experience. For those that seek hours for court, if you are building your college resume, or if you would just like to get out of the house for a bit on the weekend and help your community, come join us!
**All volunteers must be approved prior to the day of the event, be at least 16 years of age, and screen a safety presentation as required by CalTrans.**

Located in the city of Chino, CA just south of the 71 Expressway, Stay Designated has adopted a Park-and-Ride and has assumed responsibility in vegitation and trash pickup. With a fun group environment, we welcome anyone to join us. 

For more questions regarding our Community Service and Outreach events, including interest in our upcoming fundraisers, please contact our offices at (909) 203 7825 or info@staydesignated.org

 Awareness Ribbons

Awareness Ribbons are NOW AVAILABLE

Help us to stand up and represent safe and sober driving with Stay Designated! Wear an Awareness Ribbon to show your stance and set an example to your community.
Or place a Magnet Ribbon on your car to show support!

Any donation of $5.00 or more will receive an Awareness Ribbon. Any donation of $10 or more will receive both an Awareness Ribbon and a Magnet Ribbon for your car or other surface.

Donations can be accepted in our Chino, CA office or online via our homepage or DONATION tab. 

Join us and help in the fight against intoxicated driving and substance abuse and destructive behaviors.


If you or an organization wish to obtain larger quantities of Awareness Ribbons please email us at:

The Pledge

Stay Designated, Inc. Presents The:

"Pledge to Raise a Million" Campaign

Help us to Raise

A million voices...
A million signatures...
And a million promises...

...That we will not Drink & Drive or ride with those that do. Together, we can save lives.

Our staff is deligently working to make the pledge signing available to you online. In the meantime, please send us an email with "I PLEDGE" in the subject line, to info@staydesignated.org  and we will be sure to add your first name, last initial, and city of residence to the "Pledge to Raise a Million!"

Join us & Volunteer

We encourage volunteers to join hands with us at Stay Designated at any time! No matter what your skill set or interest, we always have projects and activities available for volunteers. Volunteers are appreciated and respected to the utmost as we recognize that without them, we would not be the same organization as we are today!

Volunteering with us is a great way to impact your community. Regardless of your reasoning to volunteer, your generosity in donating time and effort is greatly appreciated. Whether you are a student, seeking extraciricular activities, a family member of someone who is struggling with substance abuse, or maybe you simply would like to give back to your community...either way, Stay Designated welcomes you! Currently, we are welcoming volunteers to assist with our upcoming charity golf tournament, The 2nd Anuual Eric A. Singleton Golf Classic, weekend community service activities, and various community events and/or fair booths! Check out our photos below of our most recent Business Expo held in Chino Hills, CA courtesy of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce!! Feel free to contact us at info@staydesginated.org and someone will help place you in an enjoyable volunteering environment


Stay Designated Membership

According to Article Three (3) of Stay Designated's Bylaws, titled Membership:

"Membership in this organization shall be open to all who apply and complete the membership application and fulfill the member's annual due requirements. No person shall be denied membership of this organization based upon discrimination of gender, race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or otherwise."

Becoming a member of Stay Designated, a 501 (c) (3) not for profit organization, is not to be taken lightly. It is considered not only a right, but a responsibility to maintain an active membership within our organization. Members are considered to be active participants, examples to their community, and therefore must abide by the same standards as our volunteers, employees, executives, and board members. Members must pledge to abstain from participating in the combination of substance abuse and destructive behaviors (i.e. drinking and driving, supplying underage individuals with alcohol, etc.)

As stated in Article Three (3) of the Bylaws, "An individual may be denied or stripped of membership on the basis of moral grounds as dicided by the Board of Directors."

Our organization is not a prohibitionist one and DOES NOT require our members to abstain from alcohol use in it's entirety. We simply request that all consumption is done in a legal and responsible manner and that if you intend on drinking away from home, you always have a designated driver or take a cab!

Stay Designated appreciates each of its dedicated members, both current as well as past, and strives to show appreciation for such committment!

Stay Designated Membership is valid for one year. The cost of membership is $35.00 per annum.
Members receive:

Our Annual Newsletter via email and/or standard mail
One (1) cloth and magnet Awareness Ribbon
One (1) Stay Designated Taxi Stress Ball
Membership Certificate
Your name (First name and Last Initial), listed under The Pledge
Your name (First name and Last Initial), listed under Members, in any program distributed at events
Priority Notification of any upcoming events where Stay Designated will be present
10% discount off of any paid admission to Stay Designated events throughout the year

Contact us at info@staydesignated for more information on membership
To obtain an application form, please include a form request in your email, along with your full name, phone number, and mailing address. 

Share Your Story

We find that there is something very powerful about sharing your story. As you read our Home Page, you'll find that our founder has shared his story with you. No matter how many years removed you are from an event, it is never easy to share a powerful story that involves trauma or tragedy, however, there can be healing found in it. Here at Stay Designated, we welcome you to reach out to us and share your story. We believe that there are people out there, just like our founder, that have gone through a substance abuse related tragedy and been able to turn that around into something different. If you have been able to rise above adversity and poor decision and make something better out of life, we would love to hear from you. Any story that we choose to publish in any newsletters or other material will display your INITIALS ONLY, unless otherwise specified by you. If you would like to share your story with us and not have it in print, please include that request in your email and/or standard mail letter and we will respect your wishes. 

Sometimes you can find that sharing your story greatly impacts the lives of others.

It can be relatable.
It can be inspiring. 

A portion of this organization was founded upon the idea that change is possible. If you have been able to accomplish change in your life, we hope that you reach out and inspire others to do the same!

Email your story to:


Many, if not all non profit organizations rely on donations in order to continue much of their operations. It has always been our hope that one day, we can be fully self-supportive by our partners, sponsorships, members, clients, and customers. However, donations are more than just charity! They are a gift of faith; that we can accomplish what we have set out to do in order to fulfill our mission. Those that believe in our cause and believe in our efforts have been generous in their giving to Stay Designated. We encourage you to do the same. If you or anyone you know, struggles with drug or alcohol addiction, has ever been convicted of a DUI or a DWI...than you can relate to the realities of substance abuse and destructive behaviors. We encourage you to make a donation to us in anyway that you can. Monetary donations seem to be the simplest and every dollar goes far! But we encourage donations of all kinds:

Donate Your Time & Volunteer
Donate Your Skills & Help Us at an Event
Donate a Vehicle to Help Our Future Designated Driver Program
Donate Your Resources and Help Us Get The Word Out

DONATED FUNDS DO NOT GO TOWARDS THE PAYMENT OF SALARIES. ALL DONATED MONIES GO TO FUND CURRENT PROGRAMS OR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE PROGRAMS (i.e. Crisis Support Counseling, Designated Driver Program, Scholarships, Recovery Events & Activities, Educate to Eliminate, etc.)

Please visit the Donations tab on our website to make a monetary donation. We thank you in advance for your generous donation and appreciate the faith you have in us.